This month is my Mother's birthday and it is challenging for me. Part of me is thinking wow, I should really celebrate the anniversary of her birth as opposed to the anniversary of her death, which is only a few months away (time really does wait for no one). So, I am somewhat melancholy.
The kitties are mostly well. Fang is under the weather. She has two enflamed nail beds and is on meds, as a result her belly is upset. But long before all that, Fang was pretty ticked-off at us and had taken to using our bed as a litter box - her normal accommodations are our bedroom where she can be guaranteed safety from the other kitties who want to sit near her and play (she wants neither company nor an activity partner). Luckily, she got moved to the office for poor behavior before the upset belly started, well, perhaps just as the upset belly was starting. Anyway, she is recovering. Other kitties are doing fine. 70% goes outside with supervision and his harness. He mostly hangs out on our little stoop with occasional walks across the path to get to the vegetation. Zig Zag goes outside on a harness and a leash and mostly just sits down immediately. He would lay there for hours if I would stay with him. As it is now he lounges on the balcony for hours coming in only to eat and use the facilities. Charmin is just starting to have interest in going outside. We went out today and it turns out that she is the only kitty that would actually take a walk with me. We made a small loop around the building.
The Girl, as mentioned before, is home for a bit. There may be a trip East in the fall for her. Classes start for me on Sept. 1 so I will be staying local. I am still enjoying work. OH, and I start volunteering up the road at the Ronald McDonald house on the 31st. I am going to do chair massage twice a month. I am looking forward to that. I just had my TB test so I am a walking test tube! No reaction as of yet and I am about 11o% sure it will stay that way.
I have been doing lots of baking lately. There are many breads I'd like to try and make, too. I haven't really done too many breads this month, or even knitting really. I have been working on the same two project for a long time now. I continue to enjoy knitting group, we meet once a week. Lately I have gone mostly to hang out and not so much to knit. I enjoy all the folks I knit with. I am trying to plan a field trip with one of the gals to go check out local baking supply shops! She is a bread baker and a baker in general oh and she does BEAUTIFUL KNITTING WORK.
That's my story for today. I am going to go wash the car. Have a great day.