Friday, August 29, 2008

Some Photo Action

So, it is official, we found a place. It is literally directly across the street from University. I will try and include a slide show, I have seen it done but don't' really know how for sure. It seems fantastic. The space is about what we have now but it is in a townhouse style. And we have an attached garage. Hooray!

Me and The Girl on campus

If the photo thing works, the crazy blue photo is THE SKY! It has been that crazy blue since I got here. The sun, the glorious sun ~ it hunts you. It hunts you and beats you down. It is without mercy. It is inescapable. There have been no clouds, not one. For these few days it has been rather lovely, The Girl as mentioned earlier, has had some trouble with the sun and most likely the unusual heat. I can tell you now that this abundant joyful sun/weather will undoubtedly be irritating after a month or so. Right now though, it is rockin'! Folks are out all the time. Bicycles everywhere. When we went to campus there was more than one location that was a sea of bikes. I am sure I will love it at least until winter and then I will want to know where the hell winter is?!?!?!?

Today we are hitting the nursing schools on a driving tour. Not sure what it happening beyond that.

**I cannot seem to add the slide show. I posted some photos but if you'd like to see them all, send me a note.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like everything is definitely falling into place.

Try this link for your slide show. It is what I used for my Mad Hatter slide show. It works great.