Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Path

Gosh that sounds a lot more dramatic than it is. It is the most probably route for my travel at the left with Zig Zag. The stops are NOT accurate at this point but the path seems to be a winner.

I don't really know how far I will be able to manage solo each day and since I am down to one cat we don't know if it would be silly to have The Girl meet me half way by plane . It seems like Pittsburgh might be a good first stop if I am solo. While it is true that it is a ridiculously close stop on a such a lengthy trip it is also a place I have driven to in the past. I know I can drive to Pittsburgh and I am pretty sure that I can drive to Pittsburgh with a cat. Based on how that day goes I guess I will figure stuff out from there.

Oh, for folks who've made these long treks before: "Is it best to make one's hotel reservations before the trip or as the trip progresses?" My first inclination was before the trip, but what if I don't make it that far in a particular day? I know I should not drive around to look for a place but I don't know if it is silly to make reservations 5 days out as opposed to 1 or 2 days out? Of course I will be traveling with a cat so that makes things a little more interesting, I would rather not sneak the cat into the room. I will be researching spots that allow cats.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Call AAA girlfriend. They made all of the arrangements for me. I told them how many hours I wanted to drive in a day and they mapped it out for me and booked my hotels. It was so easy and really nice to have their help.