Funny things I saw today:
- Signs telling me to exit for "the birth place of President Regan" and a sign from the actual tourist division of Madison County Iowa for folks interested in the "Bridges of Madison County." Yeah, I am not making this up
- Other funny thing beside route 80 somewhere in Iowa there is a dirt road. On this dirt road, with a trail of dust behind it, I saw a large Chevy pick up coming eastbound (I am going westbound), I thought, well if that isn't just an Americana Chevy commercial I don't know what is . . . well, it turns out that the new Chevy truck had just passed a late model Chevy truck heading in the opposite direction THAT my friends would have made a VERY Americana Chevy commercial.
I started in Illinois this morning and went through Iowa. I can report back that the second half of Illinois and the first two thirds of Iowa were flat, mad windy and mad cloudy. There was never a threat of rain but the cloud coverage was thick and they all really seemed to be at the same altitude ~ is that possible?
Zach continues to be rockin' the road!!! Today he ate while we drove along. He still doesn't drink, I think he may lack the coordination to enjoy a cool beverage because he certainly feels free to lie in the bowl or use the bowl to push off for a jump to the seat.
The Tally

Miles driven Just under 500
Hours on Road about 10
Coffee Drinks 1. 1 lonely drink at the end of the day
Crazy things that happened today I didn't turn on any music/programs/radio at all. It was a quiet day
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