The Girl and I laid low on Turkey day, Tofurky day as it is know in our house. I make made macaroni and cheese and fresh bread during the day and the thought was that we'd have homemade pizza for dinner. We were way too full to even consider an evening meal. The pizza will be had this week, the dough is in the fridge. I had set up wireless Internet network in the house on Wednesday so Thursday was also a day filled with wireless Internet -- hooray! Of course my old, tired machine is a little slow on the uptake so I still hard connect, but The Girl is very, very happy to have Internet on the Mac.
Two Fun Filled Days in San Francisco
The Girl's childhood friend who lives in Portland was house sitting with her partner in San Fran so we went up for a visit. Fun! The only time I was ever this far west was when the Girl and and I came out to look for a place to live so I had never really had the opportunity to hang out in San Fran. Our friends were house sitting in the Castro district (read: The Gayborhood). We drove from our house, it took only about 45 minutes to get there. Our friends, K and C had been there since Monday and had been walking about the whole city. The told us that San Fran is a mere 7 miles by 7 miles, and let me tell you, they walked it. We only had to walk a bit of it. We headed into the Castro and made our way towards a yarn shop I had heard about from someone I met on my travels, it's called Imagiknit ( ).
There were some crazy, crazy hills that were just as hard to go down as they would be to go up. The next day (Saturday) there was talk of walking more. From the Castro to Chinatown or Telegraph Hill, neither was crazy far but I was looking up bus schedules faster that you can say "transfer, please."
But on Friday, we walked. We started by going to the nearby downtown Castro District
On the way to the Castro we passed Pink Triangle Park a memorial to the 15,000 gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgenders who were killed during the Nazi regime.
Later that evening we saw a memorial march for the anniversary of the murder of Harvey Milk. There were hundreds of folks walking, each with a candle. There were at least 4 helicopters in the air from local news organizations and three mobile vans from local stations. There was a heavy police escort, I don't know if it was for the traffic (it was a large intersection) or for the protesters? The Girl took these photos
The whole weekend was a little like a San Fran food tour. We had yummy dinner from an Elsalvadorian (sp?) restaurant. Vegitarian food for me and interesting beefy items for The Girl. In the afternoon we hit an "UrbanBread" cafe with coffee that was dee-lish. We each had a pastry, too. The pastry wasn't quite worth writing home about but it did remind me that I make a mean blueberry scone and that I should whip some up. The next day we went to Chinatown. More to come on that later and our trip to Twin Peaks.
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