IT GOT COLD. Well, perhaps cold is relative but this week for the first time in weeks I had to . . . wait for it . . . it's gonna be good . . . WEAR SOCKS. Yes folks, sad but true. I had to wear actual shoes and socks as opposed to my usual slip on sandals. I know, I can feel your sadness for me from here. Our temperature seems to be in the 50s now instead of the 60s and the rain keeps coming. And while I can handle a little time out in the 50s in my sandals I can't really walk any sort of distance or ride my bicycle. So, shoes for me.
Random unrelated ha-ha. I slipped on a banana peel on the street. No falling, just slippage but it was an ACTUAL banana peel. On the street! There was no laugh track or anything but I did feel a little cartoonish.
This is where I would normally have posted the photos from our trip last week to Muir Woods, alas, the good camera and the storage card within it are in sunny Hawaii. The Girl left for Hawaii this morning. I took her to the airport at 5:15 a.m. I saw the sun come up on the Left Coast today. The Girl made it to the big island on time and without incident. She is there for a conference through Saturday. Don't feel too bad for her, the next conference is in cold Vancouver in February.
It has been a pretty quiet week. The Girl readied for her conference. I hung stuff on the walls around the house. We both unpacked more boxes. We are down to the last 8 or 10 boxes - VERY EXCITING. There were no New Year's Eve festivities. I thought there might be fireworks but in the end we just hung out at home. We had New Year's three hours after all of our East coast friends and family so it was nice to call folks at 9 p.m. and wish them happy New Year.
This week I will be registering for January classes at a local college, that is pretty exciting. The Girl will have a presentation at the conference on Thursday. Yep, that's what's shakin' here.
Stanwood Ball Winder
9 years ago
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