Saturday, February 21, 2009

Outing to San Fran for Giggles

So, The Girl and I hit San Francisco last night.  We went to see a musician play in Delores Park (it is right by the Mission District).  The artist was Katie Sawicki  I heard her at a SisterSpace weekend I went to with RS.  There is a funny story in there if you want to hear it.  Anyway, our outing was a fun adventure; hopefully as summer gets closer we'll venture into the city a little more often. 

As we sat in the coffee house we noticed across the street that there was a steady line of 20 people or so waiting in front of a creamery.  Well, a girl can't let that go by without some inspection.  After the show we crossed the street just as an information gathering adventure, there was no intention of getting ice cream.  We got to talking to some folks who indeed told us that this was the BEST ice cream in San Francisco.  Of course we got ice cream, let me rephrase, I got ice cream.  I got two flavors, salted caramel and roasted banana DEEEEE-LISH-OUS.  The banana was better by far.  As we were leaving we noticed that the line was even longer now,  approaching 40 people long.  Here is the link

Spring is Springing In Northern California

Yesterday on my travels I noticed a tree blooming with small flowers.  It is the same tree that blooms in the East though I couldn't remember the name.  As I was driving home I noticed in the shopping center on the corner that there was a WHOLE ROW of these same trees all in bloom!  I asked The Girl about it and she suggested that they are Dogwood trees and I think she is correct.  I saw a white one in my earlier travels and the rows at the shopping center were pink trees.  BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE!!!  This morning I saw daffodils!!!!!  Daffodils.  I have been asking folks when it is safe to plant plants and things and no one really had an answer for me.  One neighbor, who self admittedly is a "killer of plants,"  said that she knows when it is time to plant because the stores start selling plants.  I thought "Wow, it really is that simple."  I saw plants for sale this morning at the drug store.  We have some seeds for herbs that I wanted to plant in the house first, I picked up some dirt last week; perhaps that is what I will do today.  I'll work on getting some pictures of Spring.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


I know there hasn't been an entry in a while.  That is for a combinations of reasons, the first of course is time, the other reasons  are even less tangible.  I have been pretty busy working on details for school.  There always seems to be one more paper that is required, one more transcript and one more session that I must attend to participate in financial aid or get a nursing application.  It is a pain in the next and my academic counselor is really not a whole lot of help.  Awesome.  Another reason for the delay was a serious problem with my computer; alas that is all better now.  The last reason for the long span of silence, an probably the one that has the most weight,  is that I just haven't had it in me to write.  It's hard to put it "on paper" when even I don't really know what the heck is happening. 

Happy February.  Hopefully, I'll be back to the blog before March.
