Sunday, February 15, 2009


I know there hasn't been an entry in a while.  That is for a combinations of reasons, the first of course is time, the other reasons  are even less tangible.  I have been pretty busy working on details for school.  There always seems to be one more paper that is required, one more transcript and one more session that I must attend to participate in financial aid or get a nursing application.  It is a pain in the next and my academic counselor is really not a whole lot of help.  Awesome.  Another reason for the delay was a serious problem with my computer; alas that is all better now.  The last reason for the long span of silence, an probably the one that has the most weight,  is that I just haven't had it in me to write.  It's hard to put it "on paper" when even I don't really know what the heck is happening. 

Happy February.  Hopefully, I'll be back to the blog before March.


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