So, many of you may know that I created a Sourdough starter last January. She lived and thrived for many, many months; some of you may have even gotten some sourdough bread. In the move the starter was lost, by the time she made it back to us she was long dead. I tried to get some of the original starter by contacting folks who had gotten a bit of her to work their own magic, alas, each person killed Bubbles (Bubbles Saccharomyces was the starter's name - I was taking Microbiology at the time and learned the scientific name for yeast, Saccharomyces is the genus name for yeast and thought it would be a riot to include it in the name of our starter). I again started a starter, the first time I started her and promptly ignored her; turns out that yeast does grow fungus. So is that yeast on yeast or is fungus different from yeast??? I don't recall, Microbiology was a whole year ago . . . . Anyway, the second time is the charm. It only took a few days and the sourdough starter is showing signs of life. All we have to do is feed her twice a day for a month --- you see the humor there, right? I do think it is a little funny that we will have sourdough starter so close to San Francisco. If you are interested, here is the link where I got the info on the sourdough starter back in January '08

Other snippets: Well, there aren't too many other snippets. The Girl is mad crazy busy at work. She will be traveling about in the next few months, one trip to Berlin and then a couple of trips to the East (Boston and the D.C. area). I am in school; I have mid-terms this week so that is a little nerve-wracking. We haven't gone any adventures since my last entry but we are considering another night swim this week. The weather is starting to change just ever so slightly. There is more sun than rain these days. The rain still happens, and often a day will start cloudy, if it stays cloudy well, you just don't know if the rain will come or not. I started seedlings for plants and herbs. The seedlings I started in the house are sprouting just fine but the ones I left on the balcony never made it. I guess it was still too cold for them. I'll try again at the end of the month.
We are bicycling as much as ever. Last week, for the first time I strapped groceries to the rack on the back of my bike. I have two baskets but I got a bag of sugar and a bag of flour and that seemed sort of too heavy for the basket that already had milk and stuff in it. So I strapped it to the rack on the bike, I felt like a real tree-hugger that day.
Well, happy day!!!
1 comment:
Yee haw! Welcome back, Bubbles.
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