Saturday, August 30, 2008
Low Key Adventures
I am sure we should be doing something fantastically productive today. BUT, we are going to take the campus bus system all over town/campus. I suppose it could possibly be constructive, I mean, we have to get to know the area, right? We are fed and watered and will soon hit the streets.
That's really all I've got this morning.
That's really all I've got this morning.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Well, we saw some clouds today. We saw them high in the sky, light and fluffy (not in Palo Alto). And then we saw the fog. Oh, the fog. Turns out it really does roll in, but not to Palo Alto, we were in San Francisco. The fog rolled in during the early afternoon over the water (I think we were near the the mouth of the SF Bay) we were by Fisherman's Wharf which seems to be at the northern tip of SF. That pillar way off in the distance is the Golden Gate Bridge. I am not quite sure how the fog effects the drivers on the bridge. It doesn't seem like a good situation to me ????
So we did drive to SF. First we crossed the bay by Palo Alto and then headed up towards Oakland, stopping along the way to cruise some potential nursing schools. The volume of traffic was high but we didn't hit any severe back ups. This was the first time all week that we were actually on a highway. Truthfully, I could skip 'em. So, we drove through Oakland and then over the Bay Bridge. Not a stunningly beautiful ride but it did offer a lovely view of SF. Then we had the great pleasure of driving around in SF. The goal was to ride a cable car, but having done no research whatsoever on where a girl might pick up a cable car we followed the signs to Fisherman's Wharf. The Girl had been there before and said I would like it. Turns out she was right. Us at Ghirardelli Square.

Then as we were driving south on 280, heading back to Palo Alto, the fog was on the highway though not nearly as thick as it was by the water. The fog above us was so thick that for the first time since we arrived, the sun was not visible. That was about 4 p.m. It lasted, well I don't really know how long it lasted as we continued our drive and within 10 minutes we were again under the merciless cloudless sky.
So we did drive to SF. First we crossed the bay by Palo Alto and then headed up towards Oakland, stopping along the way to cruise some potential nursing schools. The volume of traffic was high but we didn't hit any severe back ups. This was the first time all week that we were actually on a highway. Truthfully, I could skip 'em. So, we drove through Oakland and then over the Bay Bridge. Not a stunningly beautiful ride but it did offer a lovely view of SF. Then we had the great pleasure of driving around in SF. The goal was to ride a cable car, but having done no research whatsoever on where a girl might pick up a cable car we followed the signs to Fisherman's Wharf. The Girl had been there before and said I would like it. Turns out she was right. Us at Ghirardelli Square.
Some Photo Action
So, it is official, we found a place. It is literally directly across the street from University. I will try and include a slide show, I have seen it done but don't' really know how for sure. It seems fantastic. The space is about what we have now but it is in a townhouse style. And we have an attached garage. Hooray!

If the photo thing works, the crazy blue photo is THE SKY! It has been that crazy blue since I got here. The sun, the glorious sun ~ it hunts you. It hunts you and beats you down. It is without mercy. It is inescapable. There have been no clouds, not one. For these few days it has been rather lovely, The Girl as mentioned earlier, has had some trouble with the sun and most likely the unusual heat. I can tell you now that this abundant joyful sun/weather will undoubtedly be irritating after a month or so. Right now though, it is rockin'! Folks are out all the time. Bicycles everywhere. When we went to campus there was more than one location that was a sea of bikes. I am sure I will love it at least until winter and then I will want to know where the hell winter is?!?!?!?
Today we are hitting the nursing schools on a driving tour. Not sure what it happening beyond that.
**I cannot seem to add the slide show. I posted some photos but if you'd like to see them all, send me a note.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
The Love Affair is OVER
No! Relax! It isn't like that. I have been cruising, spending time with and seeing independent coffee houses ~ and I love them! My love affair with Starbucks may be coming to an end. Sad . . . but . . . well . . . people change . . . relationships need to grow . . . and well, the coffee at the other joints is just better. I did hit a Starbucks last night and got my standard drink, iced decaf americano, it was good but ehh.
Down to some real news. The Girl and I have located our new digs. The place is in Palo Alto and very close to Stanford University, so close in fact that The Girl will be using the Stanford free campus busing system to get to work. That same free system will most likely take me to the Caltrain or the bus station for school. I have some pictures I am going to try and put up . . . so this is the kitchen. Of course ours may not be decorated as fashionably but this is the kitchen. Hooray!
Yesterday (Wednesday) we went all over Palo Alto looking. By the day's end we were very tired, we are both still adjusting to the time change and it is unusually hot here. It is actually warmer here than in the Small Wonder State. While I am normally so hot I am ready to burst into flames, it is The Girl this time who is effected by the heat. Today is supposed to be hotter than yesterday. Whew!
With lodging found, today's adventures include doing the official paperwork to secure lodging and to driving around to get approximate locations on nursing schools. There is talk of hitting San Francisco on Friday or Saturday and using public transportation to get there.
Things I've found/seen very close to where we are living
- Whole Foods Market (within a bicycle ride)
- Over 20 motorcycles parked and cruising all around the area
- Two Scooters
- A BUCCA DEPEPPO!!!! (Not far from the Whole Foods ~ I'll be needing 14 friends to go to dinner with ~ who's free?)
- Two amazing beyond reason bakeries
- One restaurant called the "Tofu House" (who doesn't love that?!!??!?!?!?!)
- 347 independent coffee shops (that may be a slight exaggeration but you get the idea)
- Many, many great restaurants (many right in down town Palo Alto, close enough to bicycle to)
- A giant Apple/Mac store!!!
That's my story for right now.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
We Made It
We made it to Palo Alto today! The Girl and I flew into San Jose, then hit the very first property I ever saw in California. OMIGOSH. We both loved it. It was located in Mountain View, just a few minutes from Palo Alto by car and a little longer by train or by bus. We cruised down town Mountain View ~ LOVED IT! We got coffee at one of the many independent coffee shops in the town (there IS a Starbucks in case you were wondering) then went to the appointment to see the property. After the appointment we hit Mountain View again for dinner. Yeah, we love it.
In between that we drove around and saw other properties we were interested in and a couple new ones we hadn't heard about. Tomorrow we will see places in Palo Alto and perhaps go back to Mountain View. One of the folks we are considering to sell the condo put us in in touch with a realtor in the area. That was a good idea. We haven't actually talked to the person yet but hopefully we will be able to spend some time viewing properties with a pro on Friday.
It was sunny and warm today. A little warmer than usually at about 83 degrees. We drove around locally, actively avoiding highways. I can tell you that I did not hear one car horn. Not one. Not even when I went forward from the turn lane. Nobody waved and told me I was number one, either.
The people. So, there are people from all over the world. It is really rather wonderful. The people seem normal even typical, there aren't an abundance of "beautiful" model types. We are very close to Google and the silicon valley so the nerds are aplenty. OMIGOSH I LOVE IT! My inner and not so secret geek is pleased. While in Mountain View we saw someone riding his bike, his fold up when not in use bike, and pulling out is new iPhone to check something. Really, where else can a girl see that?!?!?!
We checked into our hotel just a bit ago. I am not really sure how I am even still awake but here I am.
More to come tomorrow.
In between that we drove around and saw other properties we were interested in and a couple new ones we hadn't heard about. Tomorrow we will see places in Palo Alto and perhaps go back to Mountain View. One of the folks we are considering to sell the condo put us in in touch with a realtor in the area. That was a good idea. We haven't actually talked to the person yet but hopefully we will be able to spend some time viewing properties with a pro on Friday.
It was sunny and warm today. A little warmer than usually at about 83 degrees. We drove around locally, actively avoiding highways. I can tell you that I did not hear one car horn. Not one. Not even when I went forward from the turn lane. Nobody waved and told me I was number one, either.
The people. So, there are people from all over the world. It is really rather wonderful. The people seem normal even typical, there aren't an abundance of "beautiful" model types. We are very close to Google and the silicon valley so the nerds are aplenty. OMIGOSH I LOVE IT! My inner and not so secret geek is pleased. While in Mountain View we saw someone riding his bike, his fold up when not in use bike, and pulling out is new iPhone to check something. Really, where else can a girl see that?!?!?!
We checked into our hotel just a bit ago. I am not really sure how I am even still awake but here I am.
More to come tomorrow.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Less than 24 Hours to Fly Left for Lodging
So, I feel better this morning. We did at least set up the bed in the "bedroom" last night. I can totally see why that room might be called the master bedroom; while the bathroom is laughable, the actual room is gigantic! Gigantic!!! The queen bed that seemed so large in the small room, looks like a twin in the large bedroom. Based on that premise alone, perhaps I should only be viewed in giant open spaces . . . how would a girl arrange that???
I have many things on my to-do list today. I hope it isn't an impossible list. I would also like to bake some scones. I know that seems silly with so much other stuff happening but the baking really relaxes me and helps me see that no matter how much a girl plans for perfection, sometimes cookies burn and cakes collapse and you just have to go with it. It doesn't hurt that frosting covers a multitude of unexpected outcomes :-)
We fly tomorrow at 10 a.m.!!!
I have many things on my to-do list today. I hope it isn't an impossible list. I would also like to bake some scones. I know that seems silly with so much other stuff happening but the baking really relaxes me and helps me see that no matter how much a girl plans for perfection, sometimes cookies burn and cakes collapse and you just have to go with it. It doesn't hurt that frosting covers a multitude of unexpected outcomes :-)
We fly tomorrow at 10 a.m.!!!
The First Hard Core Packing Weekend
Well, it seems that it will be a "long weekend" as Saturday and Sunday efforts will spill into Monday. We fly to CA on Tuesday and don't return until Sunday, so the weekend packing effort will most likey exend from tomorrow (Monday 8/25) into next Sunday (9/1), I suspect into next Monday(9/2). Very disheartening.
I'll try and post pictures on the CA trip. And hopefully our new digs.
I'll try and post pictures on the CA trip. And hopefully our new digs.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Side Note
OK, so clearly no one will be surprised by this but as The Girl and I look for appropriate towns on the Left Coast I periodically use the technology of Google Maps for "good." I use the map to locate the CraigsList post and then I search "nearby area" for coffee shops!!! I can honestly say, my coffee options are looking fantastic. We have no firm idea on how to get the cats across the country. We aren't really sure of our departure date. We don't yet have a place to go to. But rest assured, there is coffee!! Let's hear it for the Left Coast!
The Weigh Station
So, for giggles, I pulled out the cat carriers this morning. All the cats but Fang really have no idea what a cat carrier is because we generally transport Charmin, 70% and Zig Zag by way of a harness and a leash. The boys, being the curious creatures that they are, each took turns climbing willingly into a cat carrier that was appropriate airline size (read: on the small side). 70% walked in first and then just sat down, yeah, they just have no idea what the carrier is. 70% weighs in at just under 20 pounds. He could fly. 70% was immediately released into the wild that is the big room. Zig Zag hopped int he carrier just as soon as 70% was released. Zig Zag weighs in at 24 pounds. Zig Zag CANNOT fly at this point and he still growing. I opened the gate on the cat carrier and Zig Zag decided to linger in the box. 70% did come over to check on him and lick his head.
Back to weight. All the movers price by weight. Some of them even use an estimate of what our stuff "might" weigh. I continue to get calls from new moving companies based on those three web sites I visited in the middle of the week. So far my favorite company is one in Jersey. The guy that spoke with me was just a typical Philly/Jersey guy complete with a thick accent. (I say this realizing I too have an accent ~ but his was just great). His company is definitely in the running, I don't know if it is because I like the quote or I like the accent :) I guess I'll know more after I call ALL of the movers.
Back to weight. All the movers price by weight. Some of them even use an estimate of what our stuff "might" weigh. I continue to get calls from new moving companies based on those three web sites I visited in the middle of the week. So far my favorite company is one in Jersey. The guy that spoke with me was just a typical Philly/Jersey guy complete with a thick accent. (I say this realizing I too have an accent ~ but his was just great). His company is definitely in the running, I don't know if it is because I like the quote or I like the accent :) I guess I'll know more after I call ALL of the movers.
Friday, August 22, 2008
4 Cats and an RV
No, really, I am serious. So, I was out with friends yesterday and one of the gals said, mostly in jest as part of a conversation about getting four felines across the country, "you could just rent an RV . . . plenty of room . . .the two of you, four cats and guitars . . . " We laughed. But I went home and asked The Girl about it and she was receptive. Who knew??
We made some calls and did some research last night and have a couple of leads. One wanted way too much money, one had Massachusetts as the closest pick up but at least two seemed possible. Too soon to tell how that will go but we are checking it out. I continue to get calls from moving companies. I put my name and contact information into three unique web sites, I am not entirely sure how 11 different companies are calling me but heck, competition breeds better prices right? Yeah! That is a pile of stuff. Regardless, I am narrowing the list.
Today I hauled stuff from the garage to goodwill. Then to recycling. Then smaller drop offs. I would have liked to have taken down the wall lamps and shelves from the bedroom by now, but it hasn't happened. Who knows, it may still happen. This weekend The Girl and I are swapping out the bedroom and the office. I am excited and a little intimidated.
We head to the Left Coast on Tuesday to cruise some living arrangements. Wish us luck!!! If you have any suggestions for moving companies please send a note or leave a comment! THANX! PEACE.
We made some calls and did some research last night and have a couple of leads. One wanted way too much money, one had Massachusetts as the closest pick up but at least two seemed possible. Too soon to tell how that will go but we are checking it out. I continue to get calls from moving companies. I put my name and contact information into three unique web sites, I am not entirely sure how 11 different companies are calling me but heck, competition breeds better prices right? Yeah! That is a pile of stuff. Regardless, I am narrowing the list.
Today I hauled stuff from the garage to goodwill. Then to recycling. Then smaller drop offs. I would have liked to have taken down the wall lamps and shelves from the bedroom by now, but it hasn't happened. Who knows, it may still happen. This weekend The Girl and I are swapping out the bedroom and the office. I am excited and a little intimidated.
We head to the Left Coast on Tuesday to cruise some living arrangements. Wish us luck!!! If you have any suggestions for moving companies please send a note or leave a comment! THANX! PEACE.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
It Has Begun
I hit the street running this morning. First to school to secure books for my online courses and then to the garage. Oh, the garage. I went through many boxes (boxes that haven't been opened since I got to my current location). I sorted into piles: donate, so and so might like this, I'd like this and trash. The donate pile is substantial. The so and so pile is pretty sizable too. I loaded my car with items for friends and family that I will see tomorrow.
TO THE HOUSE!! I packed up my first batch of boxes today. In anticipation of switching the bedroom and the office this weekend I packed up a bit of the office. 3 and a half boxes of school books, doula books and software . . . and that doesn't even count the crud on my desk . . . papers, printer, monitor . . . that sort of thing. Three boxes down two hundred and forty-one to go.
TO THE HOUSE!! I packed up my first batch of boxes today. In anticipation of switching the bedroom and the office this weekend I packed up a bit of the office. 3 and a half boxes of school books, doula books and software . . . and that doesn't even count the crud on my desk . . . papers, printer, monitor . . . that sort of thing. Three boxes down two hundred and forty-one to go.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Kitties and Stuff (literally)
Well, it turns out you can't really FedEx a cat. I know this because I called FedEx. You can FedEx a BIG cat, as in zoo animal, or I guess giant scary cats if you are those guys who train and get attacked by BIG cats in Vegas.
Short Story long, US Airways will allow three carry on animals (dogs, cats or birds) in a cabin at any point. There is a fee per animal and each carrier complete with animal must weigh less than 20 pounds. Oh and there is only one carrier per person. That of and in itself creates some problems with the 4 cat household. Of course I thought it was all quite do-able with some creative scheduling and a couple of buddy passes we have around. Then, time passed and reality set in, I realized that 70% probably weighs more than 20 pounds and Zig-Zag CERTAINLY weighs more than 20 pounds. Back to the drawing board.
I got some boxes but appreciate the offers for boxes, I will be taking you up on your offers. THANK YOU. The most pressing need at the moment it to interview Realtors and to swap out the bed room and the office. Currently we use the master bedroom as the office and the smaller room as the bedroom. The "master bedroom" gets great light and, as the name implies, is larger. It seemed quite reasonable to use that room as the location to spend awake time. Of course just because it seemed reasonable to us doesn't mean it will be reasonable to people looking to buy a domicile. So the gathering of books and packing will happen this week and hopefully we can swap out furniture and desks over the weekend. There an interview with on realtor tomorrow and hopefully a second interview later in the week.
The items I posted on CraigsList over the weekend are not moving as fast as I would like. Some are give aways, perhaps they will be tossed. One item for sale was a book shelf, tall, light wood, 5 adjustable shelves. It was in my dinning room on Rochelle but in storage since then. Bargain basement price and it still isn't moving. I re-posted in my old town and my new town.
Short Story long, US Airways will allow three carry on animals (dogs, cats or birds) in a cabin at any point. There is a fee per animal and each carrier complete with animal must weigh less than 20 pounds. Oh and there is only one carrier per person. That of and in itself creates some problems with the 4 cat household. Of course I thought it was all quite do-able with some creative scheduling and a couple of buddy passes we have around. Then, time passed and reality set in, I realized that 70% probably weighs more than 20 pounds and Zig-Zag CERTAINLY weighs more than 20 pounds. Back to the drawing board.
I got some boxes but appreciate the offers for boxes, I will be taking you up on your offers. THANK YOU. The most pressing need at the moment it to interview Realtors and to swap out the bed room and the office. Currently we use the master bedroom as the office and the smaller room as the bedroom. The "master bedroom" gets great light and, as the name implies, is larger. It seemed quite reasonable to use that room as the location to spend awake time. Of course just because it seemed reasonable to us doesn't mean it will be reasonable to people looking to buy a domicile. So the gathering of books and packing will happen this week and hopefully we can swap out furniture and desks over the weekend. There an interview with on realtor tomorrow and hopefully a second interview later in the week.
The items I posted on CraigsList over the weekend are not moving as fast as I would like. Some are give aways, perhaps they will be tossed. One item for sale was a book shelf, tall, light wood, 5 adjustable shelves. It was in my dinning room on Rochelle but in storage since then. Bargain basement price and it still isn't moving. I re-posted in my old town and my new town.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
The boxes, oh the boxes
OK, so I went in search of boxes today. I started at Borders, no luck, but the gal I spoke iwth suggested I try a grocery store and ask for banana boxes. Who knew? So I did and I got three boxes. They are a funny shape and I don't know how handy they'll be but I'll give it a go. When I got to the storage place to buy boxes I found out they were closed. I'll try again tomorrow and also cruise Craigs List for used ones.
I am thinking lots about bigger items and the move. I have a breakfront and a hutch with a glass cabinet. Each piece is sell-able but I am not sure on what to sell them for. Oh, and there is a lovely Armoire that a few of you may remember helping me schlep/heave/will/push into Rochelle Ave. When The Girl and I figure out where we are staying I guess we'll decide if we want to keep the piece. I am posting on craigslist, some free stuff I am trying to unload and some stuff for sale. I have many PartyLite items to find new homes for so if you are into the PartyLite send me a note. I have already photographed it for your viewing pleasure. Free to friends, cheap to others.
The bike. I am trying to figure out if I should take the big bike or the small bike but I know it isn't reasonable to bring them both. The big bike would allow for lovely trips up the coastal highway, pretty scenery and a small feeling on my part of, well, having a kickin' bike. But the small bike would allow for much easier commuting. We are selling my car and using only The Girl's car. No matter what town we end up in, it will be walkable, there is great public transp. and I will have a bike. I guess we'll figure that part out after we figure out where we'll be staying, too.
I am thinking lots about bigger items and the move. I have a breakfront and a hutch with a glass cabinet. Each piece is sell-able but I am not sure on what to sell them for. Oh, and there is a lovely Armoire that a few of you may remember helping me schlep/heave/will/push into Rochelle Ave. When The Girl and I figure out where we are staying I guess we'll decide if we want to keep the piece. I am posting on craigslist, some free stuff I am trying to unload and some stuff for sale. I have many PartyLite items to find new homes for so if you are into the PartyLite send me a note. I have already photographed it for your viewing pleasure. Free to friends, cheap to others.
The bike. I am trying to figure out if I should take the big bike or the small bike but I know it isn't reasonable to bring them both. The big bike would allow for lovely trips up the coastal highway, pretty scenery and a small feeling on my part of, well, having a kickin' bike. But the small bike would allow for much easier commuting. We are selling my car and using only The Girl's car. No matter what town we end up in, it will be walkable, there is great public transp. and I will have a bike. I guess we'll figure that part out after we figure out where we'll be staying, too.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Pause . . . Play . . . Pause . . . Play
So, I have been in Pittsburgh since Monday but even from far away stuff is still happening. Friends have put me in contact with their friends and we have gotten information on towns to inhabit and schools to check out for two year nursing programs. The packing. Oh, the packing that may be what does me in. We'll see how it goes.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
From Far Away
So, it is pretty hard to think about where a good spot to live will be when we really have no idea what the heck is going on. The destination is Palo Alto but that is pretty pricey. We are looking in Mountain View which is very handy to Palo Alto but less handy to Newark ~ nursing school location. We'll know more when we head out to scope the area. Not sure when that might be but I know it will be soon.
Above and beyond that I am beginning to have some concern about thinning our herd of stuff. I feel like I need to purge a significant about of items every week for us to be ready for the move. I am still working on small items. There are a couple of larger items (futon, book shelf, breakfront) that I am ready to part with but there are some logistical issues. Oh and my car. Yeah, my car. I have to get to cleaning it thoroughly.
Today was spent mostly obsessing about where to live; when it may have been time better spent going through the garage. Drats. I'll hit the garage now with my camera. I'll shoot things to sell and take a picture for the blog.
Above and beyond that I am beginning to have some concern about thinning our herd of stuff. I feel like I need to purge a significant about of items every week for us to be ready for the move. I am still working on small items. There are a couple of larger items (futon, book shelf, breakfront) that I am ready to part with but there are some logistical issues. Oh and my car. Yeah, my car. I have to get to cleaning it thoroughly.
Today was spent mostly obsessing about where to live; when it may have been time better spent going through the garage. Drats. I'll hit the garage now with my camera. I'll shoot things to sell and take a picture for the blog.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
First Blog Post
I am not so good at consistant blogging but am going to give it a go. I am starting to get myself in gear for a move to the left coast. I figured this might be a good way to stay in touch with folks who want to keep up.
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