Wednesday, August 20, 2008

It Has Begun

I hit the street running this morning. First to school to secure books for my online courses and then to the garage. Oh, the garage. I went through many boxes (boxes that haven't been opened since I got to my current location). I sorted into piles: donate, so and so might like this, I'd like this and trash. The donate pile is substantial. The so and so pile is pretty sizable too. I loaded my car with items for friends and family that I will see tomorrow.

TO THE HOUSE!! I packed up my first batch of boxes today. In anticipation of switching the bedroom and the office this weekend I packed up a bit of the office. 3 and a half boxes of school books, doula books and software . . . and that doesn't even count the crud on my desk . . . papers, printer, monitor . . . that sort of thing. Three boxes down two hundred and forty-one to go.

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