Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Kitties and Stuff (literally)

Well, it turns out you can't really FedEx a cat. I know this because I called FedEx. You can FedEx a BIG cat, as in zoo animal, or I guess giant scary cats if you are those guys who train and get attacked by BIG cats in Vegas.

Short Story long, US Airways will allow three carry on animals (dogs, cats or birds) in a cabin at any point. There is a fee per animal and each carrier complete with animal must weigh less than 20 pounds. Oh and there is only one carrier per person. That of and in itself creates some problems with the 4 cat household. Of course I thought it was all quite do-able with some creative scheduling and a couple of buddy passes we have around. Then, time passed and reality set in, I realized that 70% probably weighs more than 20 pounds and Zig-Zag CERTAINLY weighs more than 20 pounds. Back to the drawing board.

I got some boxes but appreciate the offers for boxes, I will be taking you up on your offers. THANK YOU. The most pressing need at the moment it to interview Realtors and to swap out the bed room and the office. Currently we use the master bedroom as the office and the smaller room as the bedroom. The "master bedroom" gets great light and, as the name implies, is larger. It seemed quite reasonable to use that room as the location to spend awake time. Of course just because it seemed reasonable to us doesn't mean it will be reasonable to people looking to buy a domicile. So the gathering of books and packing will happen this week and hopefully we can swap out furniture and desks over the weekend. There an interview with on realtor tomorrow and hopefully a second interview later in the week.

The items I posted on CraigsList over the weekend are not moving as fast as I would like. Some are give aways, perhaps they will be tossed. One item for sale was a book shelf, tall, light wood, 5 adjustable shelves. It was in my dinning room on Rochelle but in storage since then. Bargain basement price and it still isn't moving. I re-posted in my old town and my new town.

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