Tuesday, September 30, 2008

This Just In!!

Photo sent care of the Girl is amazingly revealing

CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!?!?!?! Clouds in Palo Alto. I guess it must happen. I was wondering how we would have a rainy season with no clouds.

Other Developments

We picked a firm date for the movers. October 10th. Moments after confirming the date I heard from my Birth Doula client, she will be induced on October 9th. Back to the movers, our new date is October 11th. But before all that had become official, I had picked October 9th to take my test for the National Boards for my massage liscense. Not sure what happens now, I know I can reschedule and I certainly have enough time to do that but I don't know what sort of date I'll get at this point. Drats.

I continue to pack. I feel like i have a little ADD when it comes to this. I set my sights on a room or specific location and then get distracted. I move on to pack another room or spot because I may pass that spot on my way to stow the box, get a drink, play with the cat or something. Stuff is still getting packed but I can't check any one location off as "done." Somewhat problematic. I realized today this little tidbit and am more focused as a result of the revelation. I am working on the kitchen. I worked on it this morning . . . but then moved onto appliances in the closet ~ that is part of the kitchen, right ~ they were kitchen appliances . . . but I am back to the kitchen and quite focused. There was a break mid day to have lunch with my sisters and their kids, it was really nice.

I photographed and posted more things on CraigsList. Some items are moving. I am down to the big pieces of furniture and a couple of small ones. Whew! It looks like at least that part will come together.

The Girl sent a photo of 70% too. He looks just the same in CA as he did in DE.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Two to Go

I am back in Delaware and The Girl and two kitties are in California. It was a little surreal to go to the other end of the country and come back in such a short period of time. And I have to say, I was a little misty flying into the Philadelphia airport knowing that it was the last time I will fly in while I live here.

The Girl is in CA with an air mattress, a yoga (that is the extensive furniture) and two kitties. It didn't really dawn on us that two kitties and inflatable furniture might be a problem . . . here's hoping it won't be. Fang is just pleased as punch. She may be a little confused as to why we brought Charmin, after all, this is the first time she has had The Girl all to herself in years! Fang really just wants it to be her and the girl, her brother Monster was OK but me, well, I wasn't well received in the beginning. I used to joke about her smothering me in the night because I was taking her spot in the bed. But then Fang came to realize that I was a good back scratch-er and heavy handed with the treats and it has been a regular love affair since. Charmin is less pleased. We are pretty sure she will adjust in a few days, we sort of think she may actually miss 70%. Lucky for her 70% will be there on Monday.

The place is great!!! The Girl has already used the gym a couple times and hopes to use the pool soon! Folks are on their bicycles non-stop! I nearly hit a group of three Wednesday morning as they were scooting along at 6 a.m. when I was leaving the development. The Girl's bike should arrive soon, we shipped it via UPS over the weekend. I have some pictures and will post them when I can. I will be securing a basket and a back rack for the bike I will be riding ~ hooray ~ and over the weekend I saw streamers!!! Now sparkly streamers on a bike are OK even though I didn't really care for the leather tassels on the motorcycle handlebars. On the motorcycle it just seemed not right. YES streamers. NO tassells.

OH, I SAW CLOUDS IN THE MERCILESS CLOUDLESS SKY!!! The were not over Palo Alto, they were north, closer to San Fran but still, I SAW THEM!!!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Airplane Day

Kitty in San Fran airport. We all arrived w/o incident.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Something about a picture and a 1,000 words . . .

Drag over the picture for a caption if you'd like to.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

To the Wire

So, I feel like we are coming down to the wire. There are lots of balls in the air ~ I am a bad juggler ~ so many of the elements are really just out of our control ~ tick tock, tick tock.

Upside ~ The Girl and I are getting a more solid idea of a time frame for movers and carpet and such. Things are coming together for a group flight to CA on Tuesday (I know at some point I said Monday 9/22 but really it is Tuesday 9/23). All of the cats have their shots, we are the care takers of two airline approved soft cases, all of the cats have had a practice run in their harness and said soft case.

Downside ~ The Girl's dad is back in Pittsburgh for health reasons. While it is the best place on the planet for him to be the situation creates some mixed feelings about timing to go Left.

The packing and purging continue. I had some help this week from friends who helped with the kitchen and some elements in the garage. Oh, the kitchen. I knew it would be involved but gee whiz! I think I packed the last box of the dishes tonight. I still have some baking pans to do and the pantry. The pantry? I can really only bring the stuff than can make the haul. I thought I might bake to unload some flour and eggs and stuff but the thought of baking in the midst of this seems insane even to me and we all know how low the personal bar for is set. And I am not quiet sure when to pack the pantry. Perhaps the most important item I still need to secure is a liquor box that has those little slats in it. I did get of those boxes last week but sadly I had to use every one of them for actual liquor. I need this one to keep my bottles of olive oil safe.

The Girl and I started to pack and/or make a list for items to pack for Tuesday's flight. Felty lent us a giant suitcase, Rabid Squirrel is showcasing the bag in an earlier entry. Oh, and RS lent me her Rick Steves bag, we'll probably use that one strickly for clothes. I am going to try and pack light for myself, I'll only be there for three days. What do I really need for three days besides my knitting and my iPod?

Packing Light

Rabid Squirrel plots ways to get to California.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Zig Zag

We are practicing our travel skills.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

An Apple A Day

So, The Girl and I took a trip to Northwest Philly today to take Zig Zag, Charmin and 70% to the Kitty Clinic (read: SPCA on Erie). 4 (YES FOUR) hours later we all emerged mostly unharmed and for a full 2/3 less than what it would have cost to take them to the local holistic vet they have been seeing locally. Four hours, we mostly think it was worth it. The kitties got physicals, shots and the ones that needed it got a certificate of health for their plane ride.

All the kitties really responded well to the adventure. The Girl was a little nervous about flying with them once we got moving with all three cat carries strapped in the back seat. There was a fair amount of meowing but no horrible dying animal crying. Over the course of the morning they all chilled out and sat in their travel boxes. I am realizing now that they were in the travel crates as long as it would take to fly non-stop to California. Hooray! Everyone was happy to be home. There was tuna in the evening for every one's enjoyment!!!!

As you can see from the photos posted earlier, we continue to make progress on the packing front. Rabid Squirrel delivered a GIANT suitcase from a friend (who does not yet have an agreed upon alias ~ will report back later) and a ton of boxes!!!! We will start packing that suitcase tomorrow!!!!! We continue to figure out the things to pack and possibly ship for The Girl for her solo time in Palo Alto solo.

Multimedia message



Rabid Squirrel finds treasure while helping me pack.


I am soooo pleased to have enjoyed a cool evening! It isn't quite fall but it seems like it might be soon. I am glad that I will get a taste of Fall before I head West. I am a little bummed that there won't be seasons on the Left but I hear we will be a day away from snow or a usable beach, I guess a girl can't go wrong there! And if all goes well I should be back for a visit in November, it will surely be Fall by then if it isn't already winter-y!

Tonight when I was walking into the condo I walked over the grass. It was lovely to feel the cold (yes actually cold) dew on the grass. LOVELY!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Is that REALLY white??

It seems white now that it is dry. i guess it will take a day or so me looking at it 2 know for sure.


I painted the small bathroom yesterday and today and while I am glad I started small I am feeling a little overwhelmed. I put the primer on yesterday. And put the topcoat on today. Two coats of topcoat one coat of primer. I am wondering if it should have been two of each. I still see a bit of a tinge on the wall but it may be a reflection of the light off the blue tape. We'll know more after the light bulbs are cool enough to get the tape off the fixture.

On the upside of starting small. We realized that it would be better to tint the topcoat to match the ceiling. The Girl had suggested this yesterday based on feedback from a realtor and based on her mild obsession with HGTV. Sounds great!!!! Taping the ceiling stinks and I am generally not good at it.

There is still a lot of stuff to pack/chuck/donate/sell. A lot.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Multimedia message

Is this thing on??

I set up a mobile blog!! I can send pictures from the road trip! Hooray!

One if by Land; Three if by Plane

It's done. 70% has a plane ticket. The girls fly out over the 22cd of Sept. and 70% will fly that weekend. On the upside who knew that a girl or boy (but not a cat because they cost more) could get a round trip ticket from Philadelphia to San Jose for a mere $240. San Jose is just 30 minutes from the house (so is San Franciso ~ but San Jose is generally a cheaper flight)

That leaves me and Zig Zag available for a drive. With 70% in Palo Alto we can get new carpet while I am still in the area and get the condo on the market sooner. 70% has spent the last year or so trying to tunnel out of the condo. There is a substantial hole in the carpet by the front door, it is down to the carpet tacks. There is also a little damage by each bed room door. When I am in the room and the door is closed (generally to provide Fang with some privacy) 70% tries desperately to tunnel into the room. Oh, 70%! I have the name of a pet communicator care of a friend of mine (Rabid Squirrel), I am seriously considering calling her before the move. I know some folks think that's a little nutty but if I can find out about the scratching it is money well spent. Of course carpet, paint, boxes and general supplies is also money well spent. We'll see how it goes.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Path

Gosh that sounds a lot more dramatic than it is. It is the most probably route for my travel at the left with Zig Zag. The stops are NOT accurate at this point but the path seems to be a winner.


I don't really know how far I will be able to manage solo each day and since I am down to one cat we don't know if it would be silly to have The Girl meet me half way by plane . It seems like Pittsburgh might be a good first stop if I am solo. While it is true that it is a ridiculously close stop on a such a lengthy trip it is also a place I have driven to in the past. I know I can drive to Pittsburgh and I am pretty sure that I can drive to Pittsburgh with a cat. Based on how that day goes I guess I will figure stuff out from there.

Oh, for folks who've made these long treks before: "Is it best to make one's hotel reservations before the trip or as the trip progresses?" My first inclination was before the trip, but what if I don't make it that far in a particular day? I know I should not drive around to look for a place but I don't know if it is silly to make reservations 5 days out as opposed to 1 or 2 days out? Of course I will be traveling with a cat so that makes things a little more interesting, I would rather not sneak the cat into the room. I will be researching spots that allow cats.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Back on the Saddle

So, my back went out last week and that put every thing on hold. But I am again up and running and The Girl has had her last day of work at her current employer -- we are on the move.

We are still working out details of when the movers will . . . had to go away ~ Zig Zag was helping The Girl bleach the grout in the kitchen, clearly cats are not meant for this sort of task. Short story long, Zig Zag just got hosed down in the sink. I have to say, he was a pretty good sport about the whole thing. OK, back on point. We have a general idea of when the movers will come, which is good. We picked out new carpet for the condo and will schedule that once we have a hard date on when the movers will come. Carpet will be post movers as the movers charge you way too much money and I think naming rights to your first offspring just to move furniture around. Gee Whiz.

We hope to start painting on Monday but the place is still in an overwhelmed state. There are packed boxes in the living room. I am not in a position to move them to the garage and The Girl is still making her way through the garage. A friend suggested hiring local college students (read: young strong people in need of cash) to haul the boxes. That actually seems like a great idea. The place is a wreck but I sort of have a good feeling about the packing. I feel like it is a manageable task. I have been working for just a few days on the big room and have boxed much of it. I have the blue hutch to go through, that will take some time as the candles and the booze are contained in there; it is pretty full. And then the kitchen. While the kitchen will be time consuming I don't think it will be labor intensive. And we have to figure out when to pack the pantry and what exactly in the pantry can make such a long trip. A neighbor offered information on a local spot to donated the canned goods, that is pretty helpful.

I stopped at BikeLine to inquire about shipping The Girl's bike to Palo Alto. She'll need the bike long before the movers get there and I arrive with the car. BikeLine will pack the bike and then we take the box to UPS. On a somewhat related note, BikeLine will also help me geek out the bike I will be using. (DON'T WORRY I already have a ding-a-ling bell) The BikeLine efforts seems good and the packaging fee doesn't seem to be exorbitant. Of course we don't yet know what UPS will charge to ship it. The Girl made some calls yesterday to inquire about shipping the Classical Guitar. It's nice to know it can be done. The information is helpful but at this moment it is looking likely that the guitar will ride with me and Zig Zag.

Oh, Zig Zag's Great Adventure

We took a drive yesterday. Yes, me and the cat took a drive to see how he might do on the road. He borrowed 70% harness and leash and I took a woobie from the house. We started small, just around the corner and he did just fine. We then drove to get coffee ~ it wouldn't be a real simulation if we didn't stop for coffee ~ and then hit the local pet food store. Zig Zag came in the store with me. He was soooooo good. We got cat food for here and for Palo Alto (not sure where the retailer is in Palo Alto and The Girl will be w/o a car for a bit) and Zig Zag got his own harness and leash. He got pink and brown. I think the color combination will compliment his coat and I believe he is secure enough to pull off the pink. On the down side, I really should not have carried him in the store. Ouch. I put him down on the counter while paying and down on the floor while looking for a harness, each time he was very well behaved and didn't try to escape. Those are the qualities that will make him a great driving companion!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Two out of Four Ain't Bad

Fang and Charmin just scored flight arrangements to the Left Coast. Lets hear it for The Girl who has just spent at least 50 minutes on the phone finding the cheapest and most efficient travel plans for the four of us. All four of us will be flying left on the 23rd of September and I will be coming back solo on the 25th. Done.

We are now working on the drive. It is a little weird to guess how far I might be able to drive in a day. I am working on cities that seem a reasonable distance apart from one another as targets for a day's drive. No idea.

On the upside. I am moving about better. I am able to walk about, go up and down steps and even drive. I can sit for longer periods given the the chair/seat is suitable. Excellent. I still can't really lift stuff. I have figured out how to sit on my bum and push boxes around the condo, very effective. Doesn't at all work for elevated things or things that are particularly fragile.

All in all, it was a pretty good day!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Down and Moderately Out

So, my back went out on Thursday morning. Thursday morning was rough, Thursday night was just out of control. Friday was a little better, I could walk unassisted. And Saturday I could walk about the condo with only moderate discomfort. I even went with The Girl on an errand in the evening. The destination was a mere 5 or 6 miles away and I have to say by the time the car hit the parking lot I was working my way out of the car. Even that short car ride was too much. Today I managed a similar car ride but had to lie flat for a bit after the round trip. Unfortunately I missed a party for an old friend in Philadelphia. That makes me sad, as we are soon to leave and I won't have the opportunity to see my old friends.

Of course I got to do much thinking and a little Internet research (care of the PALM device that was handed down to me when The Girl upgraded) while I was lying flat for two days. I worked out some ideas about getting necessary items to Palo Alto for The Girl while she is there and I am here. I started to mentally plan a list of items that should be shipped/carried on the plane/ordered; it's a running list.

But after that stuff I started to realize how this injury could affect the physicality of the move. It could easily be several weeks before I can haul boxes about the garage and to and from the condo like I have been. On the days things weren't being sorted errands like schlepping stuff to Goodwill, dragging stuff to the dumpster, and scooting furniture about the garage for photographing were high on the list. This is a giant downer as we are LEAVING in several weeks. I don't know how well I will be able to paint and for how long. As of this moment I really can't lift anything more than 4 or 5 pounds. I can't sit for very long but I can't stand for very long either. Crap. I know we have some time, but I am still concerned.

On the upside, some furniture and household items are starting to move on CraigsList so that is good. Less stuff is always good!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Zig Zag as Emotional Security

It's hard to imagine, I know but get a load of this from US airway's web site:

Emotional Support Animals

Documentation may be required as proof of an emotional support animal's functions performed for the passenger to take the animal through the security screening checkpoint.
Emotional support animals do not require medical certification.
The emotional support animal and its belongings will require a physical inspection (i.e., whether they walk through the metal detector together or the animal walks in front or behind the user with the user continually maintaining control of the animal with the leash, harness/halter, etc.)
Advise the screener on how to best screen your emotional support animal.
This inspection includes: the animal and it's belongings (collar, harness, leash, backpack, vest, etc.).
Ask the screener to not take off the animal's belongings during this inspection since this is a sign to the animal that it is off work.
Emotional support animal should not be separated from their owner

I think Zig Zag will be taking his first flight!!!!! I thought this emotional support animal was pretty much a crock of something but now I see the light!!! I see that love filled, emotionally fulfilling, 22 pound cat on a plane light and I have to say I am loving it!!!! No date yet but I do believe all of the cats are flying!!!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Ways to Fall

Fall from grace
Fall in love
A windfall
Fall through the cracks


Yes, it finally happened. I took a fall on the bike. Thankfully, there is no significant injury to me or the bike. And unfortunately the fall was caused by my own silliness. I spent the day working my way through the garage, more on that later, and in the process moved the bike from the the parking lot by the garage to the front of the condo. While the bike was parked by the garage I put a lock on the front tire, this prevents the bike from being pushed more than a foot as the lock interferes with the rotation of the tire. Later in the day when I went to start the bike I totally forgot about that lock. While that has happened in the past I am usually alerted to my forgetfulness before I actually get the bike in gear simply by rocking the bike. Not this time. I took off in first gear. The bike started to go and then fell over to the right. As I was hitting the ground I thought "Wow, that wasn't such a hard landing." Moments after I hit the ground I thought "Awesome, I am OK. I can move my right leg. I am not trapped under the bike. AWESOME" And because I am blessed in ways I am not even aware of, a neighbor appeared out of nowhere to see if I was OK. He helped me lift the bike and assess for damage. With the two of us, the bike was easily lifted and the only scratches on the bike are on the tail pipe an a little on the lever for the front break.

As I was standing there and before we lifted the bike, I have to say, I was certainly rattled. But all I could think was that this was a great fall. I know that sounds a little nutty but bikes go down. Typically a rider will take their bike down at least once, and more often than not, that happens in the first year of riding. This was my first fall; I have been riding for about four years. This was my first fall and I am A-O-K!!! Nothing is broken, the bike is fine. I am scratched up and I am sure tomorrow I will be sore but I AM FINE!!!! Hooray! CAN I GET A WITNESS!?!?!?!?!?

Back to the Move

I continue going through boxes in the garage. Today, I found Teva sandals that I have been looking for since I moved to Delaware. TWO YEARS I've been looking for those bad boys. Just so you know, I promise to only use my Tevas for good and to never wear socks with them. I found the Tevas in a box of summer hats. How handy, I will be needing those wide-brimmed hats in the town with the merciless cloudless sky.

I took more photos of items I am trying to off load. Today's items are a book shelf with adjustable shelves and a small cabinet. If you were ever in my place on Rochelle it was the liquor cabinet int he kitchen. There is a glass cabinet on top and then a wide drawer and storage underneath.

Also, I have devised a floor plan for the garage. I am using one corner of the garage for boxes that are ready to go to CA. As I go through the rest of the garage items will either get donated, sold, chucked or packed and moved to this corner. As we pack boxes in the house, I hope to bring them to the garage in order to create space in the condo, beautiful marketable desireable space.

We continue to meet with Realtors. Our last interview it tomorrow night. Soon after that we will certainly know who will be selling the condo and we'll have a better idea of when the unit will go on the market.

That's my story for tonight. Oh, and might I also take this opportunity to remind drivers to share the rode with motorcyclist. And to be aware of motorcycles on the road. Many riders, the ones that aren't going down the Shuylkill doing 95 wile riding on their rear wheel, can often seem to be invisible on the road. As Fall approaches riders will be out in mass to enjoy the weather, keep an eye out for them. Thanx!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Some Photos

So these are some of the photos we took on our trip. I tried do do captions too, but I don't know if it worked. I would like to thank my friend Rabacal for the tip on what program to use to create the slide show. TO SEE THE CAPTION YOU HAVE TO MOVE THE MOUSE OVER THE PHOTO.


OK, so that is TOTALLY not politically correct and that has been what has been keeping me from writing this since our first day in Palo Alto. Not because I am offended by it, but because I am part of the group! I embrace that I can not wear men's slacks because my rear/hips will not allow it. A friend of mine recently said "I would rather eat cake than be thin." HELLO! I am a part of that parade. That being said, I can appreciate that other folks might not appreciate the directness of the question. Still I must ask, "Where are the fat chicks in Northern California??" Where are the women that look like me???? Where are those big-bottomed girls?

Perhaps you don't like the word fat? Feel free to substitute "wide in the hips," "round," "ample," "voluptuous," or my favorite "rubenesque." Regardless of the word you choose, that word really doesn't describe the women in Palo Alto. There were fat men, plenty of those, but not a whole lot of fat women.

Yeah, they are not in Palo Alto. I started keeping a tally. The tally started with the motorcycles vs. the vespas and then just sort of carried over to the ample chicks. By Thursday The Girl was helping me keep track, it took that level of eagle eye effort to find these women.

Day One: Tuesday night in downtown Mountain View, 1. It was the end of the day and I had just realized the discrepancy
Day Two: 1 while we were out and about. 2 on street bicycles who were really moving along the road.
Day Three: 3 or 4 on foot in downtown Palo Alto over the course of the day.
Day Four: Several who were getting off their bicycles to stop at Starbucks. They were older women and I give older women some slack in terms of being a little wide in the hips.
Day Five: We stopped counting but did see a couple "here and there."

Total: Around 15

15 fat women over the course of 5 days!!! Is Northern California not aware of the obesity crisis in the country? Is the rest of the country not aware of Northern California?? Somebody help me out here!

A couple of things. I will say that the bigger gals who were on their bikes did have on actual bike gear. So, I view that as a great thing, a girl can get Lycra and cycle shirt in her size if she wants to wear it. In addition, the gals I saw were all dressed very stylishly (even the ones in bike gear), no one had anything fantastically tight or something with sparkly words across their rear-end. And, of the ample women I saw none were morbidly obese, they were really just ample ~ I guess I could squeeze myself into that sub group. After talking to The Girl we figured in our non-empirical data discussion that folks are really just out and about all the time!!! The sun is always shining (that mercilessly cloudless sky thing) and folks are always walking/biking/moving. In our little town of Palo Alto there were many, many restaurants and many, many coffee houses, bakeries and yummy food shops but we didn't see one fast food joint. I am sure they have to be there, so close to a college campus and all, but we didn't see any glaring out at us. There are four grocery stores within a bicycle ride and at least two of them are organic grocery stores. Maybe fat women just get smaller when they move to California??? I don't know. I guess I will report back on this topic in three to five months.

I will say that when we flew home we had a layover in Vegas. Apparently that is where all of the fat women are. Plentiful fat chicks, ranging from a little ample to morbidly obese. Some of those gals had sparkly things written across their rear-ends. Very Vegas. Very Americana!!!

If you find this particular post to offensive or if you think it makes me sound like an ass, send me a note.