Tuesday, September 30, 2008

This Just In!!

Photo sent care of the Girl is amazingly revealing

CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!?!?!?! Clouds in Palo Alto. I guess it must happen. I was wondering how we would have a rainy season with no clouds.

Other Developments

We picked a firm date for the movers. October 10th. Moments after confirming the date I heard from my Birth Doula client, she will be induced on October 9th. Back to the movers, our new date is October 11th. But before all that had become official, I had picked October 9th to take my test for the National Boards for my massage liscense. Not sure what happens now, I know I can reschedule and I certainly have enough time to do that but I don't know what sort of date I'll get at this point. Drats.

I continue to pack. I feel like i have a little ADD when it comes to this. I set my sights on a room or specific location and then get distracted. I move on to pack another room or spot because I may pass that spot on my way to stow the box, get a drink, play with the cat or something. Stuff is still getting packed but I can't check any one location off as "done." Somewhat problematic. I realized today this little tidbit and am more focused as a result of the revelation. I am working on the kitchen. I worked on it this morning . . . but then moved onto appliances in the closet ~ that is part of the kitchen, right ~ they were kitchen appliances . . . but I am back to the kitchen and quite focused. There was a break mid day to have lunch with my sisters and their kids, it was really nice.

I photographed and posted more things on CraigsList. Some items are moving. I am down to the big pieces of furniture and a couple of small ones. Whew! It looks like at least that part will come together.

The Girl sent a photo of 70% too. He looks just the same in CA as he did in DE.

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