The Girl is in CA with an air mattress, a yoga (that is the extensive furniture) and two kitties. It didn't really dawn on us that two kitties and inflatable furniture might be a problem . . . here's hoping it won't be. Fang is just pleased as punch. She may be a little confused as to why we brought Charmin, after all, this is the first time she has had The Girl all to herself in years! Fang really just wants it to be her and the girl, her brother Monster was OK but me, well, I wasn't well received in the beginning. I used to joke about her smothering me in the night because I was taking her spot in the bed. But then Fang came to realize that I was a good back scratch-er and heavy handed with the treats and it has been a regular love affair since. Charmin is less pleased. We are pretty sure she will adjust in a few days, we sort of think she may actually miss 70%. Lucky for her 70% will be there on Monday.

The place is great!!! The Girl has already used the gym a couple times and hopes to use the pool soon! Folks are on their bicycles non-stop! I nearly hit a group of three Wednesday morning as they were scooting along at 6 a.m. when I was leaving the development. The Girl's bike should arrive soon, we shipped it via UPS over the weekend. I have some pictures and will post them when I can. I will be securing a basket and a back rack for the bike I will be riding ~ hooray ~ and over the weekend I saw streamers!!! Now sparkly streamers on a bike are OK even though I didn't really care for the leather tassels on the motorcycle handlebars. On the motorcycle it just seemed not right. YES streamers. NO tassells.
OH, I SAW CLOUDS IN THE MERCILESS CLOUDLESS SKY!!! The were not over Palo Alto, they were north, closer to San Fran but still, I SAW THEM!!!!
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