Monday, November 17, 2008

Back in the Groove

First ~ How awesome was that election!!!! We still have no television at the house so on election night we checked updates on our phones. When there was word of a concession speech on Fox, I thought, I am watching the acceptance speech online. I watched on The Girl's Mac, there was so much hooting and hollering from just me in the room full of boxes that The Girl came up at least twice to make sure I was OK. (Perhaps there was an avalanche of boxes?) Awesome! Insert Happy Dance Here!!!!

Second ~ California Livin'
Well, I have been on my bicycle nearly every day this week. I have ridden the bicycle more times in the last 10 days than the entire time I was in the Small Wonder state. I have a helmet and a lock and a rack for my water. It's cool. The Girl and I took a spin together yesterday for the first time. We went to a neighboring town, Menlo Park. It was an easy ride, no big hills, and we weren't exposed to traffic until we actually got to the town. The down town is quite lovely, it reminded me a lot of Collingswood in New Jersey. There is an independent pet food store that sells the food the kitties eat, so that is very handy. Of course there were tons of eateries and independent coffee houses along with a traditional hardware store. Oh, how I love those traditional hardware stores!!

Something that is humorous in a not at all funny way. I can't seem to pass the written test for my motorcycle license. Yes, California makes a girl or boy take a written test to transfer a license from another state. It is very responsible albeit a little annoying for me. I share this snippet because it is embarrassing and hysterical all at the same time. I have been riding the darn bike for 5 years. 5 years. I took the written test for the car, no problem. I took the test for the bike and my percentage of accurate answers was too low (read: I failed). I thought well, this sort of thing happens. So, I got the book that I should have read before I took the test and sat down and read it, not cover to cover, but I thought I had the highlights. This wasn't the first time I had to think in a motorcycle frame of mind. WRONG. Failed again. I took the book home. I have been reading it for a week. Of course one night this week, and I don't know which kitty, one of the cats yakked all over it. Nice. So, I'll be getting another one tomorrow. Hopefully in the next few days I have a California license with motorcycle classification. I have not yet inquired about what will happen if I fail the test a third time, because folks, "Failure is not an option."

University Adventures:
The Girl and I went to an on campus movie last Sunday. Very fun. The movie was not that good Pineapple Express. It is supposed to be a hijinx movie about a couple of pot heads. Well it was way to violent for a pot movie. It was free.

On Wednesday night we went to see a lecture by author and Stanford professor, Robert Saplosky. The book is called Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers ( ) it is all about stress and health, it's pretty interesting. I saw the listing for the event in the local paper and thought it was neat, The Girl, however actually understands the science behind all of it and ended up buying the book. Oh, but we never got to hear the lecture. We got there a few minutes before the event started and the place was already packed. Standing room only even in the balcony and the audio visual crew had about 100 people standing around them in the hall. It was supposed to have been posted but I haven't gotten around to looking for it yet. We are going to another lecture this Wednesday on teaching and how surprise can factor into it.
I got the pictures together from the trip across the country. I will try and include the link. Report back if it works - or doesn't work The photos are on SnapFish so you'll have to log on to see them. I don't know if it lets you peak without having an account. If the link doesn't work, and you want to see the photos, just send me a note.

A photo or two of Zig Zag enjoying his Left Coast location.

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