Wednesday, August 27, 2008

We Made It

We made it to Palo Alto today! The Girl and I flew into San Jose, then hit the very first property I ever saw in California. OMIGOSH. We both loved it. It was located in Mountain View, just a few minutes from Palo Alto by car and a little longer by train or by bus. We cruised down town Mountain View ~ LOVED IT! We got coffee at one of the many independent coffee shops in the town (there IS a Starbucks in case you were wondering) then went to the appointment to see the property. After the appointment we hit Mountain View again for dinner. Yeah, we love it.

In between that we drove around and saw other properties we were interested in and a couple new ones we hadn't heard about. Tomorrow we will see places in Palo Alto and perhaps go back to Mountain View. One of the folks we are considering to sell the condo put us in in touch with a realtor in the area. That was a good idea. We haven't actually talked to the person yet but hopefully we will be able to spend some time viewing properties with a pro on Friday.

It was sunny and warm today. A little warmer than usually at about 83 degrees. We drove around locally, actively avoiding highways. I can tell you that I did not hear one car horn. Not one. Not even when I went forward from the turn lane. Nobody waved and told me I was number one, either.

The people. So, there are people from all over the world. It is really rather wonderful. The people seem normal even typical, there aren't an abundance of "beautiful" model types. We are very close to Google and the silicon valley so the nerds are aplenty. OMIGOSH I LOVE IT! My inner and not so secret geek is pleased. While in Mountain View we saw someone riding his bike, his fold up when not in use bike, and pulling out is new iPhone to check something. Really, where else can a girl see that?!?!?!

We checked into our hotel just a bit ago. I am not really sure how I am even still awake but here I am.

More to come tomorrow.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you made it safe and secured coffee, but my big question is . . . did you make the scones? And if so, did they make the trip to CA?
