Saturday, December 6, 2008

Anything that can go wrong . . .

. . . typically does. And that folks, was how I was going to start today's post, with a list of all the crappy stuff that's happening. But I am not going to do that because that is no way view the world around me.

Instead of starting with set backs that happened this week, I'll start with the wonderful things that happened this week.
  • My school semester is ending this coming Friday and I will finish with an A in each of my classes.
  • The Girl is enjoying work, she has had many meetings this week and is headed off to a conference in Indianapolis (where it is 45-50 degrees colder than it is here ~ send her warm thoughts, I mean that literally "warm" thoughts) where she will make nice with other scientists, show off her big brain and fill everyone in on why her lab's product is an awesome resource.
  • Native plants are still blooming, and I get to see them as I walk and ride about town.
  • We went for a walk today on a new path with new and different trees that smelled quite wonderful.
  • As photographed earlier, 70% is now heading out to the path on a leash he is generally well behaved. As in the Small Wonder, he continues to be alarmed by other people and cars but also as in the Small Wonder state when he gets a-scared he runs right back to the door to the house and not off in a crazy direction. 70% is much smarter than he lets on.
  • A friend from the East was in San Fran this weekend for a work conference and The Girl got to meet up with her for a visit, very fun.
  • It took me many days and many tries but I finally got the DVD hooked to the television in the correct way ~ the Netflix movies have already arrived!!!
  • There is wireless Internet in the house and it is AWESOME. Awesome. Did I mention it was awesome.

So, there have been some setbacks this week. But I have to think that they are just irritating bumps in the road. It was a bumpy week, but here's hoping next week goes more smoothly.


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