Saturday, October 4, 2008

A New Tally

So, I've decided as things get down to the wire that it might be funny or at the very least entertaining for me to keep track of some things a'la Bridget Jones style. Now when I read the book I thought it was a hoot and tried, yes I really did this, to drink the way the character did. It was one weekend and I had nothing else going on. I thought heck, if she can do it, how hard can it be. Well, it turns out our gal Bridge was really a freakin' alcoholic. I made it one day and realized it was beyond my abilities to consume booze at that level. Thank goodness.

So, it is noon on Saturday and I have exactly one week until the movers arrive.
  • Fags 1
  • Drinks (read coffee drinks ~ that may be sub-catagorized later) 1
  • Boxes packed 3
  • Warm cookies 4
  • Caffeine?? Not yet

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