Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Tallys and Photos, in that order

Yesterday was Monday. Many things left the house including paint to a craigslist person, lots of trash and lots of goodwill. I started my day with an amazing wonderful new Starbucks drink--one should never, ever look up the nutritional information on this beverage--really, I haven't I would encourage you not to. The drink is called Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate. OMIGOD. I had it first thing and was strung out and through 2 p.m. My friend Felty came over to help, we did a lot of dropping off of stuff, even shipped The Girl's fancy pants guitar and wrapped up artwork for the move. It was a good day.

I finished the afternoon with dinner with some folks I had been a doula for. The Dad travels to China pretty regularly so we had a dee-lish-ious Chinese Food dinner (complete with fake duck) and yummy tea. LOTS of yummy tea. After dinner I came home and packed much more!

Yesterday's Tally (Monday--leaving me 5 days to movers):

Fags none (v gd)
Drinks (read coffee drinks ~ that may be sub-categorized later) 2
Tea too many to count
Boxes packed 9 or 10
Things disassembled 0
Warm cookies 0
Caffeine?? There was a lot of tea

Pictures from The Girl

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