Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Not Yet in Motion

But thinking about motion.

So a couple of weeks ago, I thought Sunday (this past Sunday) might have been my departure date. It has been an unexpected couple of weeks. Sunday came and went and I thought I wasn't really ready to go yet.

Sunday I went to my folks' house and went through a couple of my Mother's things. The things still smell like her. I wasn't really ready to go. Monday came and went, I had more than a few things left to take care of in terms of the condo and just stuff, I was busy. Today was a wrap up. I got to catch up with friends, do some school work and sort the car. I finished the day by going to my folks' house again. Again I went through some of my Mother's things, my sisters had spent the afternoon there doing the same thing. They had done the lion's share. It is pretty sad. It is harder to leave than I thought it might be . . . then perhaps it wold have been.

I am working on it.

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